Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am working on updating here...I have two home school posts to make when life settles down enough to get to it...but I am just reminding you that if you are already on as a contributor, you can post your own ideas/lesson plans, etc.  If you are not a contributor, but would like to be...leave a comment here and I will add you.  If I don't already have your e-mail, leave that in the comment as well.  Please, feel welcome to post anything from a fun art project, to a good teaching book for kids, a great website, etc.  It doesn't just have to be lesson plans and pictures! 

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I would love to contribute, but I never seem to get around to doing what I plan! I actually accepted the invitation to contribute by accident. (It happens to me every time someone invites me to contribute. I click the link to see what it's about, and it automatically signs me up.)

    I'll keep trying!
